Pendulum Services supports technology management by providing special assistance for the following activities:

Assistance in creation of Public/Private Partnerships (P3) and Public/Public/Private Partnerships (P4)

Develop strategies for the formation and operation of new P3 and P4 entities


  • Award winning advice and support to government agencies and others on the formation and operation of Public Private Partnerships (P3) and Public/Public/Private Partnerships (P4).
  • Assistance to  military departments, such as U.S. Army and Air Force, in development of strategies and recommendations on new P3 and P4 methods to improve efficiency of operations.
  • Production of workshops on community partnerships and formation of Not-For-Profit intermediaries.
  • Support of military communities in developing new community partnership strategies.
  • Develop strategies for the formation and operation of new entities, such as the Leonard Wood Institute in Missouri and the Defense Transformation Institute in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Provide operational support for the Defense Transformation Institute to include production of workshops, conferences, magazines, and websites.
  • Assist communities to create, manage, guide and direct Innovation Centers